Learning Activities for Wednesday, Nov. 3rd

Posted: November 2, 2021

Good Morning Friends!

We are looking forward to chatting with you today at 2:00. The invite was posted yesterday on this page and we are hoping some of you can join us!

What are you learning today?

Literacy: Check out the latest writing video posted below by Mr. M. 

Math: Today you will be practicing your counting by 2s backwards and completing a place value activity by counting some items around the house and showing the tens and ones in the number. Record your work, date it and bring it to school when you return or take a photo to show me @ paula.chapman@nbed.nb.ca

1. Count with someone at home by counting backward from 100 by 2s. I have attached a hundreds chart to help you if needed.

2. Find and count some items around the house: toothpicks, marshmallows, beans, cheerios etc. Write the numbers on a piece of paper or use the recording sheet attached below. How many 10s? How many 1’s. Record the tens and ones and draw the base ten blocks if you can. Try as many as you would like! Take a look at the attached recording sheet below for an example. 

Have a great day, Grade 2!

File hundreds_chart.docx276.12 KB
File place_value_counting.docx26.06 KB