Posted: October 14, 2021
If your child has been home for many days please use the following activities to help your child maintain their skills in literacy and numeracy.
LITERACY: Read a book with your child and as you read question them about what is happening in the story. At the end of each page ask about the characters, event s happening in the book and what do you think will happen next. If you do not have a bbok at home you can go to Storyline Online and watch a book from there stopping the story at times to ask the questions.
Our words of the week are ; see the to like
Play games with the words to have them become familiar so your child will recognize them in their books.
Rainbow words - set a timer for 1 minute and have teh choose a color to write with. Have them write one of the words as many times as possible but still spelling them correctly and forming the letters properly from the top to bottom. Choose a new color and a new word and repeat. Do for all the words.
Have your child make a sentence for each word. Write the sentence down and cut the words apart. Have them reassemble the words into the sentence. Read the sentences together.
NUMERACY: Counting practice.
Give your child up to 20 items such as Cheerios or macaroni. Have them :tag and drag" as they count the pieces. As they count pull the items one at at ime from the groups so they do not count them more than once. Take some of the itmes away and ask them to estimate how many now? Then count again. Do deveral times.
Patterns - Have your child make a repeating pattern using colors, shapes, sizes. They should be able to tell you the "core". That is the repeating part. Start a pattern and have them continue it, make a mistake in the patten and have them find and fix it.
Counting on: Using a deck of cards with the face cards removed - Flip over 2 cards and begin counting at the first one number and count on for the 2nd card. Example I turned over a 4 and 7. Don't count the 1 to 4 but start counting the 7 card at 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.