Ms. Beaven

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 12, 2021


Read a book that is not well known by your child.  As you read discuss with them what is happening on each page.

After reading have your child retell the book to you in their own words.  Ask them to tell you the story starting at the beginning.  Ask for details if they are not giving you any.  Remind them to speak in complete sentences as they tell you the story. 

If they are unable to tell you much about the story reread it with them again.  Ask them again to retell the story to you in complete sentences with details about the story.

Fold a paper into 3 equal parts.  Label the first part Beginning, the center as the Middle and the third End

Beginning                                         Middle                                             End


Have your child draw a picture for each part of the book.  Write a sentence if able or label the parts with a focus on the beginning sounds.


Word Work – Squiggle Park – continue at their level being sure they get 3 stars to show  they have mastered the level before moving on.



Play a game of Who rolled more.  Keep a score card of your name and your child’s name.  Roll 2 dice and count the pips to see how many you have. Write the number under your name.  Have your child roll the dice and count their pips. Have them write their number across from yours. Have your child circle the greater number.

Me        You

7            12        circle the 12

Play 10 rounds and see who has more circles. They are the winner.

Play again.  As a variation circle the smaller number and see who wins.

Continue on Dreambox using the password emailed to you earlier this week.

Posted: November 10, 2021


Go to You Tube watch the book

          Pete the Cat I Love my White Shoes

Then go to this link to learn to draw Pete the Cat step by step.


Word Work – Squiggle Park for 10 minutes



1.   Counting:  If you have stairs in your house go up the stairs counting up, then count backwards as you come back down the stairs. Do this several times. If you don’t have stairs count a path in your house and count backwards going back to the start of your path retracing your steps.



2.  Place some counters on the table and ask your child to show the number you say as a ten frame.























Use numbers from  1 - 20

Ten frames are always filled from left to right on the top then go to the second row and fill from left to right again. This is the same as you would read from one line to the next.

3.  Put the numbers 1 to 15 on cards and have your child put them in order from 1 – 15 and then shuffle them and have them put them in order from 15 -1.  Have your child close their eyes and take one card away and ask what is missing, mix 2 or 3 up and ask your child to put them back in order.


4.  Go to Dreambox using the link and password emailed to you yesterday.


Posted: November 9, 2021


Read a book together and ask the questions from last week. 

Who was in the story?

Where did it take place?

What happened at the beginning?

What happened in the middle?  Give 2 to 3 things.

How did it end?

       Draw a picture about the story and write a sentence about your picture or label the parts.



Play a game of Roll and Write

The words of the week are

1            2         3           4            5            6

he       like       the        look       we     your name

Each word is assigned a number.  Roll a dice and write the word for that number on a piece of paper or a white board if you have one.  Keep track of the number of rolls with a tally of 4 lines and 1 across.  Roll the dice 15 times.



Continue with Squiggle Park.



For math today explore and get familiar with Dreambox.  I will send an email this morning to sign in and a user name and password for your child.  


You can also do the following again since it is a nice day.


Posted: November 8, 2021


Read a book together and ask the questions from last week. 

Who was in the story?

Where did it take place?

What happened at the beginning?

What happened in the middle?  Give 2 to 3 things.

How did it end?

Encourage your child to answer you in complete sentences not just 1 or 2 word answers.



Write the sentence

I like to play with my friends.

Read it with your child.

Put each word on a slip of paper and have your child put the words in the correct order.  They probably will need your original sentence to follow as a model. Mix the words up and do it again having them read it to you each time.

Have them print the sentence making sure they are:

1.   Starting all letters at the top and go down to the line.

2.  Leaving spaces between the words about a finger width.

3.  Starting the sentence with an upper case I and finishing with a period.



Continue with Squiggle Park.



Continue counting to 20 and back again to 1. Please make counting backwards as your main focus this week.

Put the numbers 1 to 15 on cards and have your child put them in order from 1 – 15 and then shuffle them and have them put them in order from 15 -1.  Use the cards to make a numberline. Have your child close their eyes and you take one card away and ask what is missing, mix 2 or 3 up and ask your child to put them back in order.

Make a pile of counters and ask your child to make a pile that is fewer than yours and then more than yours. Make sure they are counting carefully with the “tag and drag” method. Do this a few times.

This week we will begin with Dreambox, a math site that has been purchased by our district. I will be emailing you the website to use to get to the sign in page and your child’s personal user name and password. 





Posted: November 5, 2021

Good Morning Grade 1E

Today check out Mrs. MacQuarrie's Music and Phys-Ed pages here on Teacher Pages to find some neat activities.

Language Arts 

Reading  – Read a book together that you have at home OR go to Story Line Online to listen to a book together. After reading put the following questions on paper slips and put them in a container. Have your child select a slip of paper to answer the question about the book.

-        Who was in the book? What do you know about the characters? (boy/girl, age, what they can do)

-        Where did the book take place?  Was it in a house? Field, playground?

-        What happened at the beginning of the book? How did it start?

-        What happened at the end of the book?


-        What are some things that happened in the middle of the book?  Give 2 or 3 things.


W Word Work 

     Words of the week -   he     we     look     on   like

      Roll  assign each word a number on a die.  Roll the die and have your child write the word assigned to that number on a piece of paper.  Roll the die  20 times. At the end ask your child to print the words without seeing the word in front of them as a "quiz"  to see if it is becoming a known word to spell.

     Letter work

     Play Squiggle Park remind them they need the 3 stars to move on.



     Using numbers from 1 to 10 or 1 - 20 (higher if able).

     Ask your child to count out a number of objects (cereal, lego, blocks,anything small)

     Watch that they are counting correctly and if needed "tag and drag" the items to keep track

     they may even put them in 10 frames to see the number.

     Then have them count them back to you backwards handing you one each time.


     This time count out a number of the item for you and ask your child to make a group of 1 more or 1 less of yours, then 2 more or less.  Have them tell you their number. You might count out 9 counters and ask count out 1 more than mine. How many do you have?  Do this many times.

     You can also play the online games from yesterday.

                                                     Have a great weekend.







Posted: November 4, 2021


Good morning grade 1E,


Language Arts:

Reading and Writing :Choose a book to read together.  Have your child see how many words they can recognize in the text. After reading have them draw a picture of their favorite part and write a sentence or 2 about the picture.  If a sentence is too much have them label the parts of the picture focusing on the beginning sound.


Word work/ Letter work: Squiggle Park. continue at the level they are at making sure they get 3 stars before moving on.



We are working on counting forward and backward.  Find some items like cheerios. Take out a handful and count them using the tag and drag method to be sure none are counted twice.  Start with 10 to 15 and increase as they get more comfortable.  Count backwards the same way with the tag and drag.  


On line games for counting.  


choose grade 1

choose numbers and the math games will come up.

Play   Connect the Dots

       You can choose 1 - 10 or 1 - 20 or higher if your child wants a challenge.

Play Counting Fish

      The numbers in round 1 only go to 5 but each round the numbers increase and the game gets more challenging.



Posted: November 3, 2021

Good morning   Grade 1E

I will post here each day with my lessons for the day. The expectation is to do 30 minutes of Literacy and 30 minutes of Numeracy each day.  This can be broken up into smaller segments to make it easier for your child to maintain thier focus on the lessons.


Reading – Read a book together that you have at home OR go to Story Line Online to listen to a book together. After reading ask your child about the book. Please have your child answer in complete sentences not just one or two word answers. This develops the ability to be clear and answer a question completely.

Some questions you can ask are:

-        Who was in the book? What do you know about the characters? (boy/girl, age, what they can do)

-        Where did the book take place?  Was it in a house? Field, playground?

-        What happened at the beginning of the book? How did it start?

-        What happened at the end of the book?

-        What are some things that happened in the middle of the book?  Give 2 or 3 things.


Word work:  Words of the week:  he     we     look     on

Play games with the words – take a letter away – what is missing

Mix the letters – put the words back together


Make a sentence with each word – orally and/or written.


You can also go to Squiggle Park and your child can work on letter sounds for about 20 minutes.  Google Squiggle Park, from your results click on

Squiggle Park l Level Up Your Early Reader

This takes you to the sign in page.

Click on Student Play

My code :  paintbrush       truck         paintbrush           car         car

Your child probably knows their code but I have put it in an email to you.


They must get 3 stars to move to the next  game or level.



The following activity has counting forward and backward as well as making patterns.  Please keep the rock numbers under 20.  

We have not counted by 2s yet but you could try with the rocks there to assist them.