November 3, 2021

Posted: November 3, 2021

Good morning   Grade 1E

I will post here each day with my lessons for the day. The expectation is to do 30 minutes of Literacy and 30 minutes of Numeracy each day.  This can be broken up into smaller segments to make it easier for your child to maintain thier focus on the lessons.


Reading – Read a book together that you have at home OR go to Story Line Online to listen to a book together. After reading ask your child about the book. Please have your child answer in complete sentences not just one or two word answers. This develops the ability to be clear and answer a question completely.

Some questions you can ask are:

-        Who was in the book? What do you know about the characters? (boy/girl, age, what they can do)

-        Where did the book take place?  Was it in a house? Field, playground?

-        What happened at the beginning of the book? How did it start?

-        What happened at the end of the book?

-        What are some things that happened in the middle of the book?  Give 2 or 3 things.


Word work:  Words of the week:  he     we     look     on

Play games with the words – take a letter away – what is missing

Mix the letters – put the words back together


Make a sentence with each word – orally and/or written.


You can also go to Squiggle Park and your child can work on letter sounds for about 20 minutes.  Google Squiggle Park, from your results click on

Squiggle Park l Level Up Your Early Reader

This takes you to the sign in page.

Click on Student Play

My code :  paintbrush       truck         paintbrush           car         car

Your child probably knows their code but I have put it in an email to you.


They must get 3 stars to move to the next  game or level.



The following activity has counting forward and backward as well as making patterns.  Please keep the rock numbers under 20.  

We have not counted by 2s yet but you could try with the rocks there to assist them.