
Posted: February 18, 2021

Our "Fur the Love of Animals" campaign has come to an end. Thank you to Mme.Lebreton's grade 2/3 FI class for spearheading this initiative!

Posted: January 25, 2021

This year, due to Covid restrictions, the Making the Choice French Immersion information sessions will be done virtually. The link to join and the times for each session is posted in our document session below.

Posted: December 15, 2020

Our Virtual Christmas Concert is here to delight you as we head into our Christmas holidays! You will find a link for each class under the "Latest Videos" section. Each class has brought their own unique, sweet charm to their Christmas selection and we are sure you will enjoy each one! Thank you to Mrs. MacQuarrie and classroom teachers for their time and dedication in preparation for this annual Christmas program. Enjoy!

Posted: December 1, 2020

It's Report Card Day!

Posted: November 20, 2020

“Everyone travelling between Orange and Yellow alert zones must self-monitor and wear a mask for 14 days and must follow directives in accordance with the Mandatory Order as if they were in the orange phase.

Posted: November 20, 2020

Everyone travelling between Orange and Yellow alert zones must self-monitor and wear a mask for 14 days and must follow directives in accordance with the Mandatory Order as if they were in the orange phase.

Posted: November 13, 2020

Effective Monday, November 16, 2020, regular District Education Council meetings will be live-streamed each month for the duration of the 2020-2021 school year.  Parents, guardians and the public will be able to access these live meetings by opening the home page of the Anglophone North School District website, at, and clicking on the “District Education Council – Live-Streamed Meetings” link that is located under Quick Links. 

Posted: October 15, 2020

Over the next few days, classroom teachers will be talking to their students about a “Secure the Building” drill, and practicing the procedures we would follow if students needed to remain secure and quiet in their classrooms in the event of an emergency. Like our fire drills, this emergency drill is one we practice each year with our students. Our first school wide Secure the Building drill will take place early next week.

Posted: September 3, 2020

Please see our attached 2020 Operational Plan by clicking on the home button and clicking the link under latest documents. 

Posted: August 31, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we look forward to greeting your children with our staggered entry next week, we are taking the opportunity this week to provide you with information on what you and your children can expect. Our hope is that you can help us frame this school year for your child in the most positive way to enable them to have the best possible experience as we all learn to maneuver during these different times.


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