Mrs. Woods - Archived Notes

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Posted: January 18, 2013

When we began our "Skyping with the Experts" program, the first expert the students wanted me to find was a Paleontologist. We were so lucky when Dr. Melissa Grey from the Joggins Fossil Center in Nova Scotia agreed to Skype with us. Over the past few weeks we read a lot about dinosaurs and developed a list of questions to ask her. The children were especially excited to learn that dinosaurs once roamed Atlantic Canada millions of years ago! She told us about her job, the type of schooling she had to do in order to become a paleontologist, and what her daily life looks like. She answered our questions and even showed us some fossils! It was an AWESOME day we and learned so much!! Thanks to Dr. Grey for being our first expert skype!    

Posted: January 17, 2013

This week we have begun using Storybirds. Storybirds are a fabulous way to publish our writing and create artful storytelling pieces. We have especially been focusing on using proper conventions (uppercase letters, punctuation, spelling) and excellent word choice. The best part is that students can invite others in our class to become a co-author and collaborate together on the same story. Ask your child to show you some of their work!Here is an example of a storybird, written by Theresa and Amaya. child can log on at home by going to and then entering their username and password. Happy storytelling!

Posted: January 16, 2013

Here are some great examples of student work when asked to solve the problem: "Mrs Jessi's class has 20 children. 12 are boys. How many are girls?"   

Posted: January 16, 2013

One game to help practice the basic facts is called Gotcha. Using a deck (or several decks) of cards, each player draws 2 cards. The player with the highest sum collects all of the other players' cards. Once all of the cards in the deck have been used, each player counts the cards they collected. If your child is having an easy time solving these addition problems, you can make it more difficult by having them draw 3 numbers to add. Alternatively, you can practice subtraction facts by having them subtract the two drawn cards. Whoever has the greatest difference wins that round.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before Christmas we spent a considerable amount of time on our basic facts (up to 9+9). Some key skills the children should have in place to support their mental math: Doubles - 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5 and 6+6 are all easily learned. Some of the more difficult doubles are 7+7, 8+8 and 9+9Near Doubles - We can use our knowledge of doubles to solve near doubles such as 4+5, 2+3, 7+8, and 6+7.Friends of 10 - Having a solid foundation of combinations of 10 is crucial as we begin to work with double digit numbers. 6+4, 7+3, 5+5, 8+2, 9+1, and 10+0 are some examples.1 more/2 more, 1 less/2 less - 9+2=10, 15-2=13, 16+1=17, 14-2=12 Now we are beginning to use these basic facts to help us solve more difficult problems. Some strategies we use are:-10 more/10 less : 24+10 = 35 76-10=66-Solving a simpler problem first: If we know 8+2, we can solve 32+8.-Thinking of a related problem: 54+12 might be tricky, but if we recognize that 54+10 is closely related it becomes easier.Have fun!

Posted: November 9, 2012

We use Twitter on a daily basis on post pictures of our work, share ideas, and connect with other classrooms. Following @Grade2C to learn more!   We also use Kidblog to share our writing with the world. We love getting comments from parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends, brothers and sisters to please feel free to share this link with anyone who might be interested in reading your child's work!  

Posted: November 9, 2012

We have recently begun a new math unit on Numbers to 100. The big ideas for this unit are : Read and build numbers to 100 Determine whether a number is even or odd Explore ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) Count forwards and backwards by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's Show numbers to 100 as tens and ones Compare and Order numbers to 100. As we cover each concept in more depth, I will be posting on here more information and ways that you can support at home.

Posted: November 9, 2012

Welcome parents to our class page. Hopefully you will find this useful. I will be posting pictures of our work, ideas for home connection activities, educational websites, and more. If you have any feedback to make this site even better, please let me know!   Courtney Woods